Your GREEN kitchen.

There’s no easier or more impactful place to start your sustainability journey than in the kitchen.

Saving the planet, one delicious dish at a time.

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One foot in front of the other…

A Green Kitchen? You got this.

The kitchen is a great place to explore sustainable practices.

From non-toxic air fryers to paper towel alternatives – I’ve got you covered!

Be the


you wish to see.

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It only takes one simple step to get started. Check out my list of 22 Simple and Sustainable Kitchen Swaps to get you started!

Hi! I’m Lauren.

I am mama to bold and inquisitive 19 month old Quinn who inspires me every day to make better choices for myself, my family, and the planet. By day, I run a local farm-to-table restaurant. By night, I share what I know about running a sustainable kitchen via this blog!

Thank you for being here with me. <3

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